Dave Bradstock

Dave is a Florida State University graduate and one of the few Seminoles on board. He joined our team in the summer of 2019 and though his time is split between PEO and some of our other websites, he brings a unique presence to the political front.

Dave takes politics seriously but loves to find ways to include humor in the discussion to take the 'edge' of heated conversations that can arise when discussing controversial topics that arise. He handles the diverse range of material presented by the current political landscape very graciously, keeping things unbiased (for the most part).

Dave recognizes that it isn't our place to influence political beliefs, that's really not what this site is about. We want to provide a bridge between politics and betting entertainment, and Dave does this very well.

You can contact Dave by email: dave@presidentialelectionodds.net

Presidential Election Odds For Ron DeSantis Improve Following GOP Straw Poll

The Western Conservative Summit is a meeting of major players in the realm of conservative…

Supreme Court Rules Trump’s Tax Records Can Be Subpoenaed – So He Bashes Sen. Graham?

So much for that pesky audit that has been keeping Trump from releasing his tax…

Trump Concerned About Mail-In Votes Corrupting 2020 Election

President Trump has made several statements over the last couple of months regarding his disdain…

Trump Bashes Romney For Protesting, Considers Message Of Unity

The nation is now two weeks deep into anti-police violence protests, and slowly but surely,…

Trump VS Biden 2020 Odds Tighten As ‘Dr. Donald’ Goes Viral

With the United States COVID-19 spread rate showing the curve flattening over the past couple…

Bernie Sanders Is Now Favored Over Pete Buttigieg In The Iowa Democratic Caucus

It was just Friday when we reported that Sen. Bernie Sanders was on the heels…

Buttigieg Losing Grip On Iowa Caucus, Sanders Moves Closer To Favorite

There is now only a month and some change until the 2020 Iowa Democratic caucus…

Favorites Biden, Sanders Must Get Through Each Other Before Trump In 2020

Maybe some people have forgotten that Sen. Bernie Sanders was almost the Democratic nominee in…

Despite Pelosi-McConnell Rumors, Senate Is Expected To Vote On Trump Removal

To say the impeachment of President Donald Trump has been a roller coaster might be…

December Democratic Debate Is Back On After Union Reaches Labor Agreement

Oh, it’s back on! The sixth Democratic presidential primary debate is back on and scheduled…